Japan's First Public Screening of "Most Likely to Succeed" on June 7th and 18th!
This is the first public screening of "Most Likely to Succeed" in Tokyo on June 7th and 18th. For details, please check the RSVP pages below. You can see the trailer of the movie from the above pages as well.
June 7th screening (7pm ~): http://mltsshibuya.peatix.com
June 18th screening (10am~): http://mltsnishiazabu.peatix.com
It is a very thought provoking film, currently being toured throughout the United States.
We look forward to seeing parents, educators, and others that are keen to push Japan's education forward.
"Most Likely to Succeed" の日本初試写会まで2週間と余すばかりとなりました。ふとしたことでの映画との出会いから上映会の東京開催がきまりましたが、現在全米の学校などで上映会されているタイミングで、同時期に日本でも開催ができることはとてもラッキーだと思っております。
Emi & Marie
FutureEdu Tokyo Founders